Do you want to become as successful as the authors of Skype?
Check out the Estonian page and use a translator! However, here is our translation thanks to a smart machine:
Do you want to be as capable as the Skype authors?
Main idea:
Form a team of 2-5 boys aged 12-15 (friends - freedom and free will are the basis of success).
Start. The main thing is persistent INDEPENDENT work.
In 16 years, you will reach the same level that Skype authors Jaan, Priit, Ahti (JPA) did.
As a supporter of our venture from X country and a representative of X nationality, I will now give you instructions on how we move forward. Achieving a high level is possible if you start early. For our Skype authors Jaan, Priit, and Ahti (JPA), my main inspiration for the venture was the experience with our first son Mati.
When we taught Mati, who was less than a year old, to read using the PICTURE method from the moment he started to say his first words, we were successful. With the help of my wife Reet, who fortunately was also an engineer and an experimenter, we did this with great interest. We had instructions from an article published in the "Horisont" magazine:
Article_1 Article_2 (Available on Estonian site)
We were persistent and consistent. My coach experience in sambo/judo and my coach Tõnu Lume's example were also helpful - it gave me the courage to try. In judo, you constantly try new moves and repeat what you have learned.
My successful experience training kittens from childhood was also based on persistence. With them, we quickly achieved the level of climbing skill of squirrels, because a cat grows quickly. The experience with roosters was also based on this - the rooster was young and easily influenced. The result was an insane attacker and a dangerous character.
After all, humans are also representatives of the animal kingdom, so creating cyber-riding skills is still related to taking advantage of a young person's active developmental phase. Giving a person reading skills is also related to the social element - humans are more developed herd animals than cats. Therefore, there is a collective moment.
In conclusion (JPA+M (Mikk)+Mati), the basis for a positive result is that their age at the start of programming was the best (Priit 10.04.1972, Jaan 14.02.1972) - 14 years old by the autumn of 1986. Ahti (2.05.1972) started at home with his parents' guidance when he was only 10 years old.
Mikk fell into the trap of money as a DJ at parties and was left out of the team. He looked more at the present than the future.
Mati (6.12.1975) was too young to belong to the team - a sensitive time at that age.
However, both men are top-level IT professionals today in everyday life.
It can be concluded that all of these experiences are beneficial for work ability.
As for the older, university-educated programmers, the experience is somewhat lacking. However, Mati's example gives us the possibility that programming can be started at the age of one. Probably with a similar approach to teaching reading using the PICTURE method. It has yet to be tried, and at the same time, this topic is very interesting, and the unused opportunities here can only be guessed at today.
In conclusion, forming a team of 2-5 boys aged 12-15 (a group of friends - freedom and free will are the basis of success) and starting early with persistent independent work can lead to reaching the same level as the creators of Skype, Jaan, Priit, and Ahti (JPA), after 16 years. Mati's example shows that starting early and being persistent can lead to success in many areas, including programming.
Here is my recommendation:
Boys aged 12-15 (I have no experience with girls) with a serious interest and willingness to learn.
A team of 2-5 friends (3) is recommended.
National unity is important and creates a cohesive team that can compete in a positive way against teams from other countries.
Start with simple and basic concepts, without a solid foundation, the house will not stand. (JPA did thorough research for 3 weeks) and then move on to a "hands-on" approach.
Thorough independent acquisition of basic skills, the right age, and a small competitive team are the MOST IMPORTANT for achieving success later on!!!
This is my experience, which JPA has confirmed with their achievements.
Set up internal team tasks of their own choosing: You create this program and I'll create that one, and let's see who can do it better. While also helping each other and providing constructive feedback. Eventually, as individuals solve their own tasks, the skill level increases, and they can work together on a larger project that requires task delegation (like JPA creating games on an Olivetti M24 MS DOS computer after ENTEL CP/M-80 computer).
What is my role here - I haven't told you anything really new, have I?
My role, and that of the parents, is to encourage and applaud the start, to provide supportive shoulders and avoid negativity - saying things like "you're stupid and can't do it" is not helpful. Some people take longer to achieve their goals, often because they are thorough, but that also makes them more persistent.
Today it's interesting for me to wonder if I give you all the same advice and moral support that JPA+M+Mati got, can you also succeed? I see no reason why you couldn't! Success is up to each of you, do the work, plus it's interesting and useful for you. You will all create software like JPA did, which is worth 8.5 billion USD!
Today, everything necessary for work is available compared to 1986, when we had Soviet occupation in Estonia (since June 17, 1940), museum exhibits instead of computers, and the internet was yet to be born. Now there is the internet and Skype, and I don't have to know all of you personally. Based on our experience, you all have a chance!
Together, with programming skills, we can explosively increase humanity's potential for development. Nearly 1,000,000,000 teams like JPA!
In the 21st century, people shouldn't be enemies to each other and waste their time in that direction.
Because the real enemy of humanity is the non-dependent universe - the cosmos, from where tomorrow an earth-destroying asteroid may come, where over time the earth approaches the sun, where the solar system eventually turns into a black hole, and whatever destruction.
There is only one solution to this: our informative development, gathering knowledge and wisdom through global cooperation. Timeless information can be preserved, just need to find a suitable carrier.
We are moving on a cybernetic horse (cyber steed) and pooling our forces. We must strive for this last one, and whoever is against this direction is an ENEMY of development!!
We need to become smarter, and cybernetic riding skills are
very very very
What technical tools or cybernetic horse?
The progress here has been very rapid - at the time when JPA+M+Mati started, the operating system was CP/M-80, today it is based on Windows, Android (Linux) - tomorrow something new. JPA started with Basic and Pascal, soon moved to assembler and eventually made the most decisive parts directly in code because the speed of the computer was never too much.
It's not so important what you start with. There are many options, and choose what suits you best today.
What is important is to start at the right time and keep moving forward by working consistently.
What's the rush?
JPA started in 1986 and Skype was born in 2002. Even in the past, the time of apprenticeship and journeyman lasted long before becoming a master. However, those who cannot become masters can appreciate the work done and support those who are on this path and eventually become masters.
Skype's story after 2002:
I am extremely pleased that thanks to JPA and Skype's achievement, I can give you advice that will take us to a new level of development – a cyber steed-riding CAPABLE population, who together fight against the ENEMY of humanity (destruction, chaos - entropy). Like a great army. But first, we must get rid of those who hinder us on this path.
The main enemy is STUPIDITY between our ears and which sticks there like a cancer when we waste our youth.
ALSO, let's add a national competition moment here.
JPA+M+Mati are Estonians. We are a small nation, yet we think big. Big nations think small - otherwise, why are they constantly destroying others and harassing the small ones in history? This is an inferiority complex - living on one's mental incapacity by showing force on the small ones. A hedgehog and an elephant are both part of nature, and destroying the hedgehog does not make the elephant bigger. Small nations are much richer internally and do not want to or even bother to strive for this purpose to attack anyone.
Now, the situation is entirely different in this competition. Can a representative of a large nation find the desire and inner strength to create such small teams (at JPA level), or is programming in someone else's head under command as fruitful as slave labor?
It would be interesting to see if such teams (reached the level of JPA) emerge in larger nations, for example, 1,000 people per capita more than in smaller nations, or is the situation the opposite? We can make a summary after years. I bet on small nations to win. Or is the better result associated with national culture?
Just a small prediction competition.
About building temples for gatherings.
I am collecting funds with my old team, which is still active, country by country with your support, to develop places where young people can meet and exchange experiences at JPA level no later than 16 years from now. One thing is communication online and another is direct contact between people. The first one does not replace direct contacts and communication.
Therefore, such places should exist, and from history, we know that churches and other gathering places serve this purpose. Initially, there may not be a need to build a temple, but our cyber steed also wants oats and its own stable. I want to use the funds for our common cause, so that humanity wakes up and reaches the 21st century. It took 16 years for JPA to reach the Skype level (2002-1986=16 years). Temples are not necessary for now.
So, we have time, and today we can manage just by developing ourselves and working from home behind our computers.
However, we will definitely come up with something beautiful and inspiring, like the Song Festivals we have in Estonia.
Financial support for training programs is the best and most reliable way to invest money, given the inevitability of development in this field. Especially when you can directly support the young team you have initiated in the future, just as I supported the JPA development with my Kaera22 team. Good deeds do not go unnoticed.