Life and work at Kaera 22 - Skype co-author Priit Kasesalu (boy with glasses) can be seen on the timeline at 3:26 using personal computer Entel created by Kaera22 crew.
At the beginning of the video, you can also see Entel developers Ülo Rätsep and Rain Torn. Beside Priit sits classmate Mikk Orglaan. The editor on the screen was uniquely created for Entel, and was written by Jaan Tallinn. The boys also made games on Entel.
Before the video was made, in 1987, Jüri managed to visit Japan as a Soviet tourist, where he brought back very scarce 5-inch floppy disks and "Kaera22 IBM PC clone" chips built on the 8086 basis, which were at that time in great demand in the Soviet Union. In addition, he learned about Panasonic releasing a revolutionary VHS camera in video technology. Jüri was able to borrow this camera from a video enthusiast, and the first video clip made with this camera was made accidentally at Kaera22. Therefore, you see the way of life as it was.
The first computer where MS-DOS-based software was started and which Jaan, Priit, and Ahti were able to access was the Olivetti M24. In the video, they use the Entel designed by Kaera22 crew.
Rein Luik: Thanks to his company TIW Inc (Intex Satellite SJV manager was Jüri Malsub) were Skype authors Jaan, Priit and Ahti able to sell their first game in Sweden in 1990.
With the collaboration between Jüri Malsub and Rein Luik an Enterprise was created in Estonia, which now is one of the world's leading satellite antennas producer.
-All of the antennas manufactured in Estonia 1995 - 2015+.
Here is Rein Luik's presentation [Estonian] "Fated steps and an interesting field"
Rein Luik
PhD. engineer, Stanford University